A Painted Journal of the Coast to Coast Walk
Contours Walking Holidays
A Painted Journal of the Coast to Coast Walk
We receive all sorts of interesting feedback from our walkers when they return from the trails: photographs, poetry and prose, not to mention phone calls and email messages about favourite accommodations and the prettiest views.
Wendy Forrest-Charde, who walked the Coast to Coast in July and runs diary workshops for the elderly, sent something a little different.
Heading out.
Writes Wendy, “I took a little A6 diary and a palette of three or four colours and a brush (no room in the rucksack for anything else) to record on a daily basis some of the views and incidents.”
The Lion Inn, Blakey.
Written asides put dates and place names to Wendy's art, turning the little sketchbook into a fascinating journal.
Phil Hoskin from New Zealand.
“He was a lovely chap who is a guide on the Routeburn in NZ and wanted to understand the local geology. He is looking at Fryup Dale on the Coast to Coast. He wore gaiters and bare legs appearing from his long waterproof jacket. He liked to walk with bare legs! Not my idea of fun as the sedges etc. can be quite sharp around the legs.”
First glimpse of the sea.
This must be one of the best ways to immortalise a holiday. Wendy has captured the people and the scenery in paint and paper, sure to prompt a moment’s reminiscence whenever they catch the eye. We’re honoured to share her work through our newsletter. Perhaps it will inspire a few more paintbrushes to find their way into rucksacks!
The proceeds from this article will be going straight back into diaries for Wendy's elderly group, who first inspired her trail-side artistry.