Easy Ways to Make the Most of your Day Outside

One of the most important pieces of outdoor advice we give is to 'be prepared'. When the hills are calling, being prepared for the day ahead is essential if you wish to make the most of your day. Things like having appropriate equipment, clothing, fitness and navigation skills are inevitably going to make your walk more enjoyable, but an area that is often overlooked is your mentality. Walking is good for the mind, but equally, having a good attitude when you set off for your walk can mean the difference between enjoying every moment and regretting the challenge. So, to help you on your way to walking bliss, here is our essential outdoor advice for making the most of your day. Simply follow the advice below and let the landscape do the rest!

Get Energised

Get energisedInstead of grudgingly crawling from your bed, awake with the attitude that you will have a great day. A few light stretches and some gentle jumps raises your heart rate and gets the blood pumping, leaving you energised for the day ahead. Stretching will also help to prevent injury - to learn more, read

Walking Fit - The Best Stretches for Walkers.

Eat a Good Breakfast

 Big breakfastSkipping breakfast can cause your metabolism to slow down and you will feel lethargic as a result. Kick-start your day by eating a balanced breakfast to boost your energy levels throughout the day.

Have a Snack Break

Outdoor advice - have a snack breakWhen your energy levels begin to dip, have a healthy snack to refuel, with plenty of liquids to keep you hydrated throughout the day.


Smile!Smiling and laughing helps to increase the levels of serotonin in your brain. This chemical helps you to feel happy and boosts your mood. Set out with a smile on your face and you are sure to have a pleasant day, whatever the weather throws at you.

Originally published 23/06/14

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